Saturday, September 22, 2007

Online Magazines vs Blogs

Which do you prefer to get your latest news from: Magazines or blogs? I searched and searched the internet and could not find a current events blog or anything of the sorts. After some frustrating searches I found: This blog is apparently run by a newspaper - New York City's Hometown Newspaper. If I were to get my news from a blog I would want the source to be credible. There were a few "one man" blogs that talked about current events but I don't think that would be credible. The magazine I chose to compare is Time Magazine located at

Things that I've noticed: The blogs on NYDaily News are a bit more specialized and do not cover every current event out there like Time Magazine does. I much more prefer Time Magazine over any blog form of news because it is more organized, far better written, and in a global format instead of a specialized format. All in all, I would find a magazine far more credible than any blog.

After researching blogs vs magazines I still think that blogs are impacting print journalism but less so than I did before. I searched google for news blogs, current event blogs, and what not. I could not find a single blog that covered as much information in as much detail as magazines do. That tells me something... Are blogs really impacting journalism like I thought? I do not think so as much now based on my discovery. I give e-zine's a 2 - somewhat did not support my thesis that blogs impact print journalism. However, I do not want to change my thesis statement yet.

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